Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery in Turkey


Robotic Surgery

da Vinci® is the world's first and only robotic surgery system, the da Vinci® Robotic Surgery System was first developed by NASA to be used when astronauts in space need health care. Thus, astronauts could be operated remotely using the surgeon's console located around the world.


In 2000, with the approval of the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it was first used in cardiovascular surgery and then widely used in urology, general surgery and gynecology.


To date, more than 1.5 million surgical operations have been successfully performed with the Robotic Surgery System in the world.


Surgical procedures performed with da Vinci® are defined as "robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery." This procedure is accepted as a successful method in addition to the commonly known "open surgery" and "laparoscopic surgery".


At the moment, thanks to the da Vinci® Robotic Surgery System, surgeons can perform important surgeries by intervening the patient through small holes. This opportunity provided by humanity with the development of medical technologies provides the surgeon and the patient with great comfort and convenience.


How Robotic Surgery Makes a Difference?

Improved Movement Ability
Three-dimensional Image
Hand Flickering Eliminates
Recovery in Physical Conditions


What Are the Benefits of Robotic Surgery?

Less scarring, better cosmetic results
Return to current life more quickly
Less need for blood transfusions
Less complications
Fewer incisions
Less blood loss
Less pain
Faster recovery


Where are the Uses of Robotic Surgery?

Cardiovascular Diseases
Colorectal Surgery
Obesity Surgery
Thyroid Diseases


Patients who have surgery with the Robotic Surgery System can return home after 24 hours and have a bath the same day. There is no scar, except for a hidden incision in the armpits of these patients.


Gösterim Sayısı : 1256

  • Robotic Surgery
  • IVF Treatment
  • Cancer (Oncology) Treatment