* Local anesthesia * painless * 1-3 days sensitivity * immediate return to work * 1-7 days full recovery
It is the process of transplanting without hair scraping in cases where hair loss occurs completely and is thinned and the hair can be entered easily.
Today, thanks to advanced technology, an extremely natural look can be achieved with hair transplantation. Thus, problems such as psychological traumas related to hair loss and getting away from social life can be prevented and individuals can feel better. The vast majority of men over the age of 30 are facing hair loss today. Therefore, it is not surprising that hair transplantation is one of the most applied cosmetic surgeries for men.
On the other hand, hair loss is not only for men. Many women also face the problem of hair loss or thinning. Hair loss occurs due to aging due to genetic inheritance, following traumatic injuries or following various medical conditions. Regardless of the reason, all patients with sufficient hair follicles in the body can be successfully transplanted. Not only on the scalp; With this method, we can achieve successful results in losses in all areas of the body such as eyebrows, mustache or beard.
Questions and answers you need to know about Hair Loss. Hair loss can occur due to aging, medication use and pregnancy-related hormonal changes, family history of baldness. Also, some accidents and burns can cause loss of scalp. Basically, the most common hair loss is male pattern hair loss.
What should someone who has hair loss problem do first? First of all, it is a detailed hormone control. If there is no problem in these controls, hair transplantation can be done. But if there is another problem causing hair loss, drug treatment will be appropriate for this first.
What methods are used in hair transplantation? There are many methods. The most common and successful of these is the method called "microgreft". Accordingly, the hair taken from the nape region is divided into appropriate parts and transferred to the places prepared in the bald area.
How long does the operation take? It takes between 2-4 hours depending on the size of the balding area. Sometimes it may be necessary to repeat the process for the second or even the third time, again according to the size of the balding area. The operation is completed painlessly under local anesthesia.
What should people pay attention to before surgery? Hair transplantation should be done by a plastic surgeon. In operations performed by unauthorized people, problems such as forehead defects and hair transplantation may occur. Extra intervention may be required to compensate for this.
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