IVF Treatment

IVF Treatment in Turkey


IVF Treatment

It is the method of fertilization of the egg outside the uterus in cases of not being able to conceive spontaneously and then placing it in the uterus. It is applied in cases such as low or poor quality sperm, low ovarian reserve, difficulty of ovulation, closed tubes and not being able to conceive in a year.


Pregnancy Rates

Pregnancy rates in foreign reproduction techniques depend on many variables such as duration of infertility, cause of infertility and number of eggs. The most important of these is women's age. With advancing age, pregnancy rates also decrease. Advanced age does not only affect pregnancy rates. Even if pregnancy is achieved in this patient group, this pregnancy is more likely to result in a miscarriage compared to the younger patient group.


Treatment Process

IVF, after a year of unprotected intercourse, the processes such as examination, hormone analysis and sperm test are operated as a result of the examination of the couples who could not achieve pregnancy. Then the determination of the faulty direction and the treatment plans for it are shared with the couples.


Physical examination is one of the most important steps of infertility research before starting IVF treatment. Gynecological examination and ultrasonographic examination of the female partner should be performed, pathological examination should be taken from the cervix, and samples should be taken for microbiological research and hormone tests.


A sperm test should be performed on the male partner. If there is serious sperm problem or no sperm, hormonal testicles and genetic examination should be done. In addition to the examination, ultrasonographic examination is performed when necessary.


The process begins by taking into account the couple's exams and tests. The process of egg development in IVF results in the development and transfer of embryos by collecting eggs under anesthesia and performing laboratory studies. The main treatment is completed in a period of about 20 days.


IVF treatment consists of the following stages; Stimulation of the ovaries, collection of eggs, sperm fertilization with eggs and transplantation of fertilized eggs (embryo transfer).


a.Development of eggs; Hormone drugs are used to stimulate the ovaries and a large number of eggs are matured.

b.Collection of eggs; Eggs are collected with ultrasonography and local anesthesia.

c.Fertilization of eggs in the laboratory; The eggs obtained and the sperm obtained from the male partner are brought together in special media in laboratory conditions.

d.Transfer of embryos to the uterus of the expectant mother; The embryos formed are transferred to the womb of the expectant mother through a thin catheter.


In it is recommended to spend the transfer day and the next day at rest. Continuous bed rest can cause back and low back pain, increase constipation problems and slow metabolism. The problem of constipation is a condition that we absolutely do not want. Because after the transfer, the patient should not be overstressed. In cases of constipation, drug therapy is applied.


Since the health conditions of each couple will be different, the IVF to be applied to the couples will differ in the treatments. In order to increase the chance of success, the methods of IVF treatment are theoretically the same, but drugs, drug dosages, drug use procedures and laboratory methods (such as IMSİ, İCSI, microtese, sperm freezing or embryo freezing) differ depending on the couple's health status and necessity.



Gösterim Sayısı : 1228

  • Robotic Surgery
  • IVF Treatment
  • Cancer (Oncology) Treatment